Any person who has completed an accredited UD qualification [min 1 year in duration + have a significant studio component], or has submitted a portfolio of work after a two year mentorship under a professional urban designer, that has met with the approval of the Membership Committee. All applicants must hold a professional registration with SACAP, SACPLAN, SACLAP, or similar.
There are two different paths to take to become a professional member. These are outline below:

For the financial year 1 April – 31 March the membership fee is R1100. Fee payment is required before 31st of July of the year of subscription.
Shall be any person who has completed a qualification at a tertiary institution, or who is currently working in the Urban Design field under the mentorship of a registered urban designer.
For the financial year 1 April – 31 March the membership fee is R660 Fee payment is required before the September of the year of subscription.
Shall be a person who is a registered student at any course that could lead to an urban design degree.
For the financial year 1 April – 31 March the membership fee is free.
Shall be a non-practicing person with an interest in urban design
For the financial year 1 April – 31 March the membership fee is R660 Fee payment is required before the September of the year of subscription.
Any person with an exemplary contribution to the profession of Urban Design in South Africa. Honorary members do not have to be qualified urban designers. Membership is awarded via a nomination process from Professional UDISA members, and supported during the AGM. This category does not have voting rights during UDISA AGM’s.